Our Goats

Nigerian Dwarf Goats

Nigerian Dwarf goats are a mini breed of goat that is know to have one of the highest (if not THE highest) butterfat content in their milk.  This quality is what provides the sweet fabulous flavor in thier milk as well as vitamins and a natural emollient that supplies the great moisturizing properties in our soap.

The Does

(Click on any doe to review more detailed information)

Highland Ranch AD Ultraviolet

Highland Ranch NW Snow Storm

St Arnes Farm Miss Scarlett

Highland Ranch TM As You Wish

Herd Ya Ku Luminescense

The Bucks

(Click on any buck to review more detailed information)

Malaga Minis FD Flash Mob

Gaelic Roots Finn MacCool

Highland Ranch TM Kumu

Breeding Plan

If you would like to inquire about a future kid purchase, review our breeding plan and reservation process with the link below.  Then contact us to be put on a reservation list or if you have any additional questions.